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Avon Clean Energy Commission Minutes 07/06/2011

                         AVON CLEAN ENERGY COMMISSION
JULY 6, 2011

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Acting Chairman Bernard Zahren in the Avon Room, Building 1 Town Hall.  Members present: Acting Chairman Bernard Zahren, Martin Kaplan, Jeffrey Bernetich, Brian Glenn, Linda Meyers and Lisa Levin. Member absent: Brian Preleski. Advisory members present: none. Advisory members absent: Jonathan Craig, Giorgina Paiella and Diane Zhao.  Also in attendance were staff members Steve Bartha, Assistant to the Town Manager and Ann Dearstyne, Town Clerk, and Vice President of Peregrine Energy Group Steven Weisman.

VOTE: Mr. Glenn motioned, Mr. Bernetich seconded and all agreed to accept the June 22nd minutes as presented. None opposed. Ms. Levin abstained as she was absent from the meeting.


IV. OLD BUSINESS: a. Energy Plan, i. Discuss Goals, Objectives, and Values from June 22nd, ii. Review Draft Finding and Recommendations, iii. Discuss next steps with Peregrine, 1. Key dates, 2. Responsibilities, 3. Milestones, b. Solar Panel program update, c. Connecticut Clean Energy Fund’s 30% by 2015 Campaign
Mr. Zahren discussed some ideas he emailed to the members prior to the meeting. He asked the group if they’d like to create a good plan for Avon, a medium one or strive for excellence for the town. After stimulus monies expire, efforts will have to be made by the members to continue with the plan. He also included a list of categories he’d like each member to consider for focus such as energy use and practices in buildings or “behavior” modifications for example and select two and email him with preferences. Mr. Kaplan agreed that the town’s fiscal policy is conservative and the members will have to be creative. He suggested looking to the current bill before the Senate to find aspects that can help to reach our energy goals for the town. Ms. Levin questioned the Town Council’s expectations for the energy plan. Mr. Bartha would like to have Mr. Zahren and Mr. Weisman attend the August Town Council meeting in order to update them on the energy plan. He reminded that the Commission was formed as a requirement of the 20% by 2010 campaign in order to be a participant. The Commission’s charge was to see to the end of the campaign, which it did.  The Commission then passed a resolution at the end of 2010 to focus its efforts in 2011 on the creating a Comprehensive Energy Plan. Mr. Weisman emphasized the value of providing goals to the town in order to begin a discussion of providing strategies to achieve those goals.

Ms. Levin questioned the schools having their own energy plan and how it fits in with the Commission’s. Mr. Zahren said he had spoken to Mr. Mala and found that he had taken this on his own. Behind labor, Mr. Mala said that the second highest cost at the schools is energy. Mr. Bartha noted that Mr. Gaski could better explain the efforts at the next Clean Energy Meeting.  

In preparation for the meeting, Mr. Bartha previously discussed the draft list of goals, objectives and values with Mr. Weisman. Mr. Weisman suggested the members first define the scope such as municipal and school energy use. He said to put a number on the energy savings such as a 20% savings by a certain date. Energy star ratings and LEED certification indicate plans for future acquisitions and buildings. A strategy for the town fleet could be to retire older cars in exchange for new more energy efficient ones. Mr. Weisman posed the question too as to how the members would want to educate the public at large. In addition to educating the residents, the plan could also suggest adopting a more aggressive building code. He also said that projects and purchases done in the town would serve as an example too to educate the residents. Mr. Bartha cautioned the Commission that the town staff was very limited in its ability to pursue some of these objectives as well as the funding issues. Mr. Zahren questioned if there was any software or canned product out there that could aid the town staff in purchasing efforts. Mr. Kaplan suggested communicating with other towns with their purchasing processes as well. Mr. Weisman cautioned too that you don’t want to create a goal that you can’t meet. He added that Avon has done a lot already to address its energy use.

Mr. Weisman continued that it’s best to set an energy use savings number that is not based on price as this is something that can’t be controlled. He suggested a EUI – energy use index, which represents the Btu equivalent of combined annual electricity, natural gas and/or oil use, divided by square footage. Mr. Weisman felt the quicker you moved the discussion to the measurable, the sooner you could talk about strategies. He also mentioned “persistence of savings” which is a measure of continued behavior after an education program was completed. Time shows that people continually need to be educated. He said there are two ways to get savings: one is the way you operate your buildings and the other is in the equipment itself – can it be operated at a better efficiency. He said the best plans are really specific and felt the group could come up with a good one.

Mr. Weisman asked the members to look at the BOE Facility Utility Summary in the Findings and Recommendations report Peregrine had prepared. He noted that often a newer building will use more electricity than an older one simply because there are more ways to use it. Seeing the numbers could help with policy decisions – cooling one building for summer activity use vs. fewer rooms cooled in every building. Mr. Weisman added too that all the schools had excellent control systems.

Mr. Zahren questioned whether 20% savings within five years would be too aggressive a strategy. Mr. Weisman suggested that from a goals’ perspective, what would you have to do to achieve that. Mr. Bernetich feels that we should get some tangible items we could attack along with the bigger goals. Ms. Levin questioned if the 20% figure would be too high to reach. Mr. Kaplan asked Mr. Weisman what is a realistic goal. Mr. Weisman said the town had already addressed energy efficiency and had done a good job at achieving savings to date. After some discussion, the members tentatively chose a goal of 15%. Mr. Zahren reminded that it was an energy savings and not a cost savings - reducing the Btu use per square foot. Mr. Bernetich questioned why the commission doesn’t have a say when mechanical equipment would fail and have the ability to make suggestions for a geothermal or solar replacement. Mr. Zahren said this would be the next step from increasing efficiency from what we already have to proposing suggestions for green replacements. Mr. Weisman mentioned a job he had to replace boilers in a town in New Hampshire. The cost of upfront and life cycle geothermal was twice the price as conventional replacements which posed the question of your guiding principles: are you trying to eliminate fossil fuels at any costs or are you trying to reduce your energy costs?

Through discussions with the Clean Energy Commission, Mr. Zahren has found that we can continue to get points. Mr. Bartha would like draft a memo to the Town Council recommending participation in the 30% by 2015 campaign for their August 4th meeting.

V. NEW BUSINESS a. Avon Day – brainstorm possible activities (related to item IV.a.iii.1)

Mr. Bartha recommends the members wait until the September Town Council meeting to discuss the energy plan’s progress. Mid September is the deadline to submit articles for the October town newsletter. August 30th is the first day of school earmarked to present the contest winner’s plaque at Thompson Brook School. Avon Day is scheduled for Saturday, September 24th, 11:00 AM to 6:30 PM. Mr. Zahren questioned the balance due to Peregrine. Mr. Bartha said we have a balance with Peregrine of $8,157.00 with a balance of the regional grant of $23,750.00 which can be used towards charrettes or other initiatives.

Mr. Zahren would like to continue this line of discussion at the next meeting. Mr. Weisman offered to begin writing a draft for the energy plan. He can create a structure and then talk about how to fill in the pieces. Ms. Meyers showed the members the plaque that is to be presented to Thompson Brook School.


VOTE: Mr. Glenn motioned, Mr. Kaplan seconded and all agreed to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 PM. None opposed.

Respectfully submitted:
                                                                                   Acting Chairman Bernard Zahren

Attest: Susan Gatcomb, Clerk